Bat Control - Franconia, VA

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Bat Control in Franconia, VA

Would you like help to remove bats from your home in Franconia?

You may not see them due to their nocturnal behavior, but bats are a common presence in Franconia. Though ordinarily harmless, bats will sometimes begin roosting in local homes, usually in the attic, and that can be a big problem. Bat guano will quickly accumulate, causing widespread damage and potentially spreading histoplasmosis.

You should never attempt to remove bats yourself, as they’re commonly carriers of the deadly rabies virus. Instead, let a trusted bat control company in Franconia step in to remove the flying pests from your home.

Expert Bat Removal

At Pest Proof Pest Management, all of our licensed technicians are trained on the best techniques to remove bats from homes in Franconia. First, we’ll perform an inspection to identify bat entry points and roosting areas in your attic. This will allow us to customize a safe and effective plan to get rid of the bats as quickly as possible.

After the bats are all out, we can follow up with bat exclusion services to keep them from returning to your home in Franconia ever again. You can also rely on our team to clean up all residual guano and replace attic insulation that was soiled by the bats.

Franconia’s Finest Bat Control Company

When bats make themselves at home under your roof, their presence can lead to destruction and disease. Give Pest Proof Pest Management a call today if you’re in need of bat control services in the Franconia area!

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